Friday, September 02, 2005

The first time in a long time....

Finishing the second volume of Dragonlance -- the Chronicles, I surprised myself by being on the verge of tears. You know, the kind of emotions that suddenly taps on your shoulder from behind, while you are watching a movie , alone in the dark... Well, imagine the very same emotoin, in daylight [well, at dusk], a book almost finished between your hands, in a noisy train, with people sitting around...

For a moment I was there in Krynn, feeling as I was living that painful events too.. [no more will I say, no spoilers here !! :p]

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It's amazing, how words alone, can bring you to such a state of emotions. But maybe it is our society, so enclosed in a universe of images, pictures, colours and movements, that we almost forgot the very sensation of words, black on white in paper tears...And it's been a long time since I have found a book able to offer me all this...

Maybe books nowadays lack of this power of depicting things. OF having us actually live the story. Maybe a lot of them deal with faded subjects (books about sucessful people, books about "new writers", provocation, society books, Harry Potter (the 5th volume kinda annoyed loud and so vain...)Maybe people lost the will to read about heroic stories too.... How many of them have seen "The Lord of the Rings"... But how many of them did actually read it, making their way through the story behind the story, the highly spiritual content? People crave for fast seeing, fast consuming, then forgot about everything when it's not "hype" anymore. How many would dare say they think "Aragorn is darn hot" (well, me, I must admit ;) )? Saying that you pre-ordered "HP6" is sooooo much more hype-ish !

On another side, how people would be able to discover those wonderful Dragonlance stories, considering how difficult the books are to find?

My only advice would be.... Unless you got lucky finding a boyfriend (^*^)who can teach you the ancient lore and arcane knowledge of heroic-fantasy litterature, go get yourself the Chronicles of the Dragonlance series. By far, the most well written books in that genre, where Knights in armour seem so alive, where Elven maiden are anything but some silly lighthead brats, where dragons can get a medieval flavour that your KungFu's ones cannot offer you, where fantastic or human characters go through the same pains and sorrows we all know: betrayal, hard choices to make for a life, friendship, love, honour, choices, but also failures, sadness, mistakes or death...

Tolkien can be proud of his paper children....

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