Monday, January 30, 2006

Happy New Year !!!!

Okay, one day late, but anyway a happy one to everyone who celebrates !!!!!

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Turning round and round

Some find solace into drugs or alcohol, whining away about how their life is eventless. Some take on drugs to find their inner true self, others choose a get away from everything, comitting suicide or blaming the whole world for their ill-at-easeness.

I guess that, but for alcohol, I can fall sometimes in one of those categories. My drugs being only caffeine, I cannot tell that my life is much at risk, however. ^^

When hard events occur though, it always feel easier to get away form troubles, trying to sleep them over, hoping that by morning, they will have set by themselves. My sleep being as bad as can be, and insomnia bringing only more headache and paranoia than necessary, I better choose face them out cold.

Anger, frustration and panic often go along, but in the end I show a perfect working girl wannabe attitude, and wipe it off with a song, or a [forced] smile. Truth is: facing the problems, one by one, is often better than avoiding forever. At least a solution is found, even if it is not the bestest ever.

On a more personal aspect, my aim is to stay here at my company until it totally breaks down. Tied by contracts, and with a rent to honour, I can hardly get by on my own, at least now.

I tell myself, time after time, that life could be worse. At least I feel that I am alive. A bit like how getting sick makes you enjoy good health better. That's when you really understand how lucky you are. To me, problems have the same effects.

Of course, I know that without a family, friends, and most of all, my fiance to support me, life could be less rosy than it is now. Problems, instead of being a challenge, would become a real pain in the ass.

Reading other blogs around, I notice about how people deal with their own troubles: some choose introspection, others humour it all, but everyone finally finds a way out, no matter how.

This is why I do not judge. And learn a lesson instead. then choose to agree or not.

My best friend, who is a Christian, tells me that every earthly trouble is a step closer to Paradise. Sometimes my reason would find the argument a bit naive, but all in all why not, says my hmmm....soul.


As for now, and with the weekend coming closer than ever, I'll leave all the work problems where they belong: at work. And tune my heart and soul to opera and Pinoy music (those guys actually Rock My World). Two days off the corporate world.

And celerbration of our One Year Anniversary, together (on9) with my Mahal.

Champagne, everyone !!

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Maria Callas as Violetta, in "La Traviata".

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Stunning and graceful

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Impersonating sacrifice

Yesterday i finally got the three opera recording (EMI records) I had been waiting for so long ago: Madama Butterfly, Turandot, and La Traviata.

All three with Maria Callas as leading character. Her voice is honestly not the easiest to the ear. Shrill at time, sharp and bold... but La Callas is the only one that puts all her heart in what she sings. La Callas, from little I have been hearing of her singing performances, actually becomes the charater she impersonates.

I know it might sound silly,but all the other cantatrices I been istening to gave me the impression of listening to themselves, instead of actually living what they are singing: too much vibrato, dare I say, too much perfection. Pretty boring, in two words.

I am not what yo ucan call an opera fan. I have no particular knowledge, nor been to actual opera performance ever. I cannot tell the stories by heart, and, as everyone, I know by ear this or that aria, that's all.

I felt myself touched in the heart though. But those almost all the time dramatic stories - a story of betrayed love that ends by death (For Violetta and Cio-Cio San at least). You just cannot sing about death and lost love as if you were enjoying your singing can you?

The recording dates back from 1955 : the sound is crappy, and still, the actors and actresses' performance stunningly stand out, and stand over any further recording, with improved sound. How strange... In the latter, you can hear Maria strive to reach the highest notes, without that perfection in emotion the former preserves.

51 years later, Violetta passes away, again and again, her love as sacrifice, her voice as last Will.

Friday, January 20, 2006


If I had to select one single picture from this New Year's celebration, it would be this one:

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This is me wearing my Grandma's pearl necklace.

Real pearls, with yellow gold,the chain being made of white gold too.There is something pure and almost religious in wearing precious materials such as those. Refined craftmanship, and also, all the troubles and the work it cost to be able to afford such a jewel. It bears a part of my family history so to speak.

And being allowed by my mother, who is now the Entitled Guardian of such a beautiful necklace...I really felt special that night.

"If you want to wear it on your wedding day, it is okay by me" she said...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Some days you feel like staying in bed. Really.


not only:

-the forum is virused
-the yahoo mail is bugged
-the MSN is crowded
-the SMS have delays

but also:

-plenty of blog entry ideas, but no time to actually seize them digitally
-a tremendous kafka-ian research work that won't lead nowhere, but that I am compelled to do
-stuck here until 6 o'clock
-tired and stressed and buzied out


I say time out !!!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

sicksicksick dazed, confused, headache, headache, i just wanna see the end of this day, i want to sleep, to dream away from this work, a whole weekend for my monchan and i, and hope the best for work and forum. i feel so helpless about it it eats me away i am ready to fight for it but my hands feel empty. never gonna give up anyway not a virus not another one not today not never. peace out everyone Friday 13 is not gonna get me at all nor CD cars, nor dudes on pedestrian crossings never gonna take life away from me. i am alive and in love and in pain (headache)

i think i need a nookie ^^

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Vanity Fair

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Not the magazine haha !!!

Reading this story captivates me so much that I even forget to turn the TV on, or get a grip about how this mad world is going...

Couldn't ask for more! ^^

* * *

Since I am more in a reading mood than writing nonsense frenzy, may I suggest you visit some great links on this Enemy's right side? A Lot of people who have stories to tell, and in an insightful way...

Think that I only know two of them in Flesh and bones...

Guess which ones !!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

seriously thinking about getting a publishing software, interface, wordpress...

anyone already using it around here?


Spyware troubles and the like make me stay away from the forums.

Everyone please be extremely careful, and stay away from the boards until Mav finds the solution.

Oh, and get Firefox ^*^ check on left section of this page for useful links.

Else than this.... My glasses are broken, I need new lenses. It gonna cost me an arm and a leg, but since I am in the worst medical insurance EVER, I won't get no discount. Looks like absolutely needing glasses to be able to move around is not considered as something serious. B#@|?!$ards !!!!

And on a positive note: Maria Callas rules. ^^

Besides: I have unsubscribed this blog from Blogazoo and Blogexplosion. I don't care about "blog traffic" anymore. Writing for myself, and for some people who might want to react to what I write is enough.

Maybe that's gonna be Year 2006 resolution, who knows?

Take care.

Friday, January 06, 2006


One hundred and thirty-three posts within a year's existence.

Roughly means 1 entry every three days, almost two.

Happy Birthday , Worst Enemy of Mine !!!!!

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year

The office is still quiet, and, while we have still access to the internet, it leaves me times with myself.

Time to reflect upon events and things, very close or very far, that happened in what our civilisation decided to call a year.

Best things first: I met the man of my life in the most unexpected way. And for that I thank God each days of my life. I seldom talk about it in semi-public places, because I know how it feels to be lonely. I know how it feels to watch your friends being happy together, while all you get is deception after disappointment. I do not know the secret to happiness, though, or at least how to reach it. I guess our story is no different from the millions of stories alike, happening around the world. Two persons inevitably drawn toward each other, with no explanation about it. It is him, him only, with his flaws and qualities. He is the one that soothes me, the one that makes me want to be a better person.

Bad things then: some sad events too... My grandma getting irreversibly ill (Alzheimer disease), a year of stress in a work office that is draining my strenght away, my favourite band breaking up (Do As Infinity, for those who wonder), forum troubles//


Ah yes. those who know me know I am far from being a saint. I am impulsive, crybaby at times, over-sensitive, and on top of that, "quick-tongued". Eight time out of ten, you can be sure I gonna regret what I said, but for the two other times wher I'll stick to my words. I guess that the other aspect of my personality is a kinda "wholesomeness". An "all or nothing" attitude. The kind of what makes me take time to trust, and time to forget.

I hate conflicts though, especially the ones I get involved with the ones I love best. Like my father. We manage to get on heated discussions almost once a month. And genereally for petty things. so I cry, he pouts, and it all ends with my feeling so miserable. I hate that aspect of my personality. And if I had only one resolution for this year, it would be to improve that bad temper.

However, that rather "full attitude" makes me , I think, a trustworthy person. I have very few friends. I have been betrayed by some of them. The worst events I had to endure happened when I was 16. I guess that since then, I became cautious, too cautious maybe.

I am a true shy person too. Never will you see me boast about this or that talent I have. I can sing quite well. I can draw resembling anime characters, when the day is good, and my hand not to clumsy. I am a rather good story-teller, and most of all, I am a good reader XD. I can be compassionate. I think I got a sense of humour, even if sometimes I lose it. I lack detachment, this is... Or maybe I should smoke weeds (lol).

I can be sharp as a blade. I know my words can hurt. I cannot hold a grugde for long though. Having a good , sincere, open conversation is generally enough to have myself think over a solution. Because there never is an all black or an all white situation. Life is more complex than this, that's why we get in so many troubles.

I can be sweet as a newborn puppy. Don't try and see it, only one person knows that aspect of my personality. That's when I let my armour fall on the ground. I am a bad liar. I can make stories out of a plain event, but I cannot lie. That's why I never win a poker play. That is also why I am bad at keeping superficial relationships.

I do not use this blog as a way to get everyone know about my daily life. I see it more like a violon d'Ingres, a will to write no matter what, even if I am pretty average as a writer. I am too much of a dilettante too, and I lack that power of processing things that make the good writers.

I got some persons I read the journals of on a regular basis. Because they are funny and witty, because their English never fails to amaze me, because their way of seeing life helps me improve mine.

I am a member of a forum too. Well actually more than one, but I am active only in that one. This is were I met my love. Where I met people sharing the same passions. Some people half of my age that made me realize I was wrong. Some others that were around when I was down. Some that made me cry too. But it is okay... I know that in time, I will remember only the good things.


If I had some wishes for this new year... First and foremost, be able to live with my honey. Having a life we can really call ours.No matter how hard it will be (damw visa's). Oh and seriously learning Tagalog. ^^ So far I only know a few words, and am pretty ashamed of it. I'd like to find a good job too. I wish I can save up as much money as I can. It will be needed in the future.

Enough talking about me anyway.

Better actually reaching my aims, than longing for them through words.


Aside of all this sadness..

everyone please notice there is a virus alert on the forums. Our admin is now working at fixing it.

More info at Heartless cloud's forum Image hosted by

Dear Unwanted Friend

I am so disappointed in you.

You who thinks to be – and with reasons- the most deserving fan, you don’t seem to understand the core message in the songs you worship so much. Never have I seen any post so full of envy, of jealousy, of mean innuendos. Congratulations for your departing message, never have I seen such an ungrateful one. If my post count is a problem for you, well, I am sorry for it. Or should I say, I would have never thought it would be a problem for you. More than this, your mentioning it publicly, without having ever talked about it with me personally is something that really hurt me.

Therefore, allow me not to participate to the overall outcry of sadness going around. Allow me to react kinda publicly too.....

I thought we could be friends, I thought we were friends. When Apprentice introduced me to you, I really felt happy. Happy to dare talk to the most famous fan around. It appears I fooled myself. I am glad I never asked, should I say licked your shiny shoes for any DAI files, at least I owe you nothing.

You complain about your threads being “forgotten”. Well, go ask your worshippers why they aren’t able to scroll down a few pages. Or those unable to post the smallest “thank you” when they grab your files. Or why you asked me to unpin your posts, whenever I tried to.

You want responsibilities, oh yes. But you leave as soon as DAI disbands, letting all your friends smashed down to the ground.It is not your decision that shocks me, but the way you decide to leave, the words you employed. I will never leave, at least as long as I can be of any use, until the time comes for me to raise a family. I will try to apply in real life, what DAI songs learned me. Music survives forever, I don’t think you realize that…

You thanked Fob for offering you the DVD. This is honoring you, really, but have you forgotten that it had been submitted to a public vote, and that it is thanks to the kindness of your fellow forumers that you got it? Because every single person, included myself, thought you were the most deserving fan? So please, quit the victim role, you used it far too long. As a matter of fact, I had the opportunity to choose the DVD first hand, and finally chosen the Dai shirt instead………………………………

You seem to think I have been chosen for my post average. I won’t react about that, I think you better re-read Mavrick’s reply. I won’t bother to get angry either, your reaction shows me too well how much I mean for you: hindi.

Farewell, my dear unwanted friend. I hope your enormous amount of DAI material will ease your loneliness, when you actually leave the forums. May I suggest you create your own website, and enshrine your files there? No need to give me the link, I like better the company of noobs or “unworthy fans with no files to share” than the one of a betrayer. I think people’s company is a better reward than any terabytes in the world.

You see, I am even as kind enough for not breaking your mythical aura. I won’t taint the forums that mean so much to me with private issues. The DAI hero (everyone think) you are won’t be tainted by my sadness and my resentment.

I only hope you will realize how much your words, your attitude hurt me. Up to the point to actually have me cry. You seemed so sorry for missing having a drink with us, back in the PI. I believed you. But as things go now, if you ever come across my way again, I will ask you to please ignore me. It would be too painful to meet the real you behind the nickname(s).

I won’t moderate the comments in your thread either, well not yet. I think other people should be allowed to vent their disappointment, just like you did.

Farewell, though. Maybe one day I will be able to forgive you. Resentment is such a painful feeling. As I told you, the same rain is falling upon us (yes, it is from the “TAO” song). Maybe our paths will meet again, under better circumstances.

DAI only knows.

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(I edited some parts, yes. Not because I think I was wrong, but because I prefer not to say them aloud.)