..or so goes the rumour...
Again, and again, and generally before any "Anniversary Release", the Do As official website swirls under devastated fans comments about some splitting over. It's been two years or so that I am a fan , and it's been two years or so that September proves to be a crisis month in the life of us Do As addicted.
Not to sound offending but... If this is a trick made up by Avex, or by the band marketing guru to have people freaking out and get onto some frenzy buying, good job, guys ! If this is a trick to strenghen the fan base, and get some live performance full of people boosted by the "Last time we gonna see DAI" energy, that's the thing to do ! And please do not forget to charge a maximum in the ticket selling, poor Avex would be so happy.....Your are not better than any marketing team ! Thank you for taking advantage of people, generally young, and have them jeopardize their dreams. Or for some of them, to shatter the only thing they have left.(For, no, the life of a teenager is not always simple. There are serious, unsaid hurtings that you grown-up, (and that I sometimes tend to forget) cannot understand) It is a positive message, a willto face every troubles witha brave smile on. It talks about values, about fun, about sadness in true words. Do As talks the talk that those young poeple maybe haven't found amongst the grown-up people around them.
I want to believe that none of the band member is at the origins of such rumours, I mean, not in a marketing aim.
However... If it is really the will of the members... If Banchan is really gonna begin a solo project, if Ryo-san is really gonna continue his Missile innovation adventure, and if DAI-sama is really gonna stay in the shadows forever...Well so be it.
those persons, and what they brought to me by their music is so huge, so meaningful, so important that I cannot honestly blame it upon them. But sincerely wishing them farewell, and see you soon, maybe, under other projects, under new beginnings.
Face it or not, a bands life in time is always limited.
Does it mean that the dream is over? Certainly not.
Of course I would be sad not getting any more CDs, any more PV's any more infos.. But geez, Do As Infinity, it's more than merchandising stuffs !!! It's about a happy celebration of life! And somehow I'd like better no Do As anymore, than bad Do As, I mean, a band without the sparkle of difference that got me into them, more than to any other bands, any other music.
It is, on a side way, a terrific forum adventure, with people I am glad to have met !! Would the end of a band means the end of the ties? Would the end of the band mean the end of the boards. Sadly enough, I have no power whatsoever to make things going my way. If it was to me to decide, I would let it open. There will still be peopel new to the DAI music, there would be still a place for a Ryo-san section, a Banchan, a Dai-sama one. But it's not my forum, after all. IT's won't be mine to decide.
I am sad because of those rumours, well, mor esad to see how it affected some of the poeple I know. IT is never a good news to see people you appreciate hurting, even if the news doesn't affect you the same. And the worst of that, it's that there are no words, no comfort thing that can be said or done. Just waiting for the rumour to be confirmed or denied. And trying to cheer everyone up, at the best I can do. Only the certitude that music lives forever in our hearts. Might sound cliche, but if one of you got a better way to say it, please do.
It is maybe the biggest crisis of the band existence. It is maybe the biggest scam Avex have ever done. And on that case, don't count on me to support Avex any more (aka buy their stuff).
And it is maybe the first time that no words , no posts, no smileys can get the sadness of some Do As fans away... And on that.. I have no solution...
on http://www.d-a-i.com/index.html :
1999年9月29日にデビューして6年の時間が経ちました。沢山のご声援をいただいて順調に音楽活動を続けることが出来ました。ありがとうございます。本当に感謝の気持ちを言葉にすることは難しいとも思います。そして今年の9月29日を持ちまして、またDo As Infinityは新たな節目を迎えることとなります。Do As Infinityはそれぞれの道を歩むこととなりました。伴都美子はソロアーティスト。大渡 亮は「ミサイルイノベーション」などのバンド活動。長尾 大は「Amasia Landscape」などのプロデュース活動、作家活動。これは3人がアーティスト、音楽家として次のステップを目指した結果の、ごく自然な流れであると思います。6年間の充実した日々を通じて得たそれぞれの宝物を次の音楽活動に生かしていきたいと思っています。Do As Infinityは解散いたします。長い間応援しつづけてくださった皆様、本当にありがとうございました。伴 都美子、大渡 亮、長尾 大の今後の活躍にご期待ください。Do As Infinity:TOMIKO VAN , RYO OWATARI , DAI NAGAO & ALL SUPPORTERS.■Do As Infinity ライブ告知ラストライブ決定!2005年11月25日(金) 日本武道館本当に皆様ありがとうございました。武道館でお待ちしております。ぜひお越し下さい。※詳細は決定次第、http://www.d-a-i.comにて発表いたします。メンバー3人からのコメントも後日、発表予定です。|ウィンドウを閉じる|Translation:
"It debuted on September 29, 1999 and the time of six years passed.
Music was able to keep acting well by getting a lot of rootings.
Thank you. I think making the gratitude really a word to be difficult.
And, it has September 29 this year and Do As Infinity comes to face a new turning point.
Do As Infinity came to walk on each road.
Tomonat Yoshiko is a solo artist.
Large Wataryou is a band activity such as "Missile innovation".
Nagaodai is a produce activity, and a writer activity such as "Amasia
I think that this is a very natural result flow that three people
aimed at the next step as an artist and a musician.
I want to do to the following music activity through enhanced every
day of six years each obtained treasure whether it is a life.
Do As Infinity will dissolve.
Thank you really for everybody who kept assisting for a long time.
Please expect it of the activity in the future as big as Tomonat Yoshiko, large
Wataryou, and Nagao.
- Do As Infinity live notification
Last live decision.
Friday, November 25, 2005 Nippon Budoukan
Thank you really for everybody.
We will wait in Nippon Budoukan. Please come by all means.
- I will announce details with http://www.d-a-i.com as soon as it decides it.
The comment of three members is announcement schedules later.
|The window is shut. |"