Monday, July 25, 2005

going "postal" on the Big Screen

Could someone tell me please how come the postal services gather all the most incompetent persons of this country????

Wether it is about sending a package to the Phillipines, or picking up a registered mail sent from Belgium to Belgium, they do not seem to be able to retrieve the items. (aitems ^^).

Had it happened to someone else, I would have said, ok, chill out, keep your cool.... But I can tell you , this morning, even though I was repeating the "don't sweat the small stuff/it's all small stuff" motto pinned on my comp, I got a hard time swallowing the mellow sleepy annoyed i -don't -want-to-help -you tone of the employee.

Wake up, sweet one, it's Monday morning for everyone !!! The sun isn't shining at my place neither !! Hopefully I could get another phone number, and there, holy joy amongst all the earthlian sweetnesses, I could talk to someone willing to do ihis job, and concerned by my story. Sequel to be awaited this afternoon, for that person could not put me trough to the very service (always something amiss I tell you...always .. ^^ )

I feel like Registered Mail Dispatching Department feels like a Quest for the Saint Graal, and that all the enigmas of Da Vinci Cod(e) gonna smell fishy (well, wait they already do ^^) when I finally gonna get in touch with that precious service.

I swear I gonna frame the envelope. And asking for the postman's autograph. Then maybe take pics of us two, happily grinning , holding the marvellous registered mail. the one which would have traveled so far, so strong, and so bravely throughout all the evil postal services.

Then, maybe, I gonna make a movie about it, I can see the big bilboards covering up all the Los Angeles walls :"Going Postal". "the quest of an ordinary girl, for an extraordiary mail". "A Spielberg/Cameron/Lucas production, starring Brad Pitt as the helpful postman, and Nathalie Portman as the damsel in distress". "Storyline by yours truly, and Robert Redford as Director".

I can feel the fever in the Cannes preview. I can sense the heat in the Oscar's celebration. Blockbuster even more godzillesque than the Titanic and Star Wars reunited. Even crushing down little Harry Potter, whose spells prove unable to fasten the postal sevices.

Then , with the royalties brought back by the sequel "The lost package" ("coming out February 2010, your next Valentine's must see", a "heart-wrenching story, of passion and true love") , I shall offer myself the postal services all raw, and I gonna go all muahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahaa and have them fear my power...

Hmmm, wait, maybe this last one is not a good idea, after all....

And all in all, I still haven't got back my precious piece of mail...... ^^


the sandmon said...

bweeeeee~!!!11 yeah! I hope the mail persons do their duty correctly <_<

je t'aime!

the sandmon said...

that's a good book! lol

Ichiban said...


*spinning bisous* 111~

David said...

Whatever you can do begin it. Postal service movies are a durable breed indeed; there's always room for another in that venerable genre. Postmen in the Mountains is one of my favorite movies.

mojo shivers said...

I had my own scare with the Post Office the other day. They lost $90 worth of baseball tickets for 2 days. Luckily, I got them eventually.

The Postal Service, however, still remains one kickass band.

Ichiban said...

@Mojo: seems that the postal services are lousy everywhere...the service, i mean..;)

@David: saddly enough, my only movie reference is "The Postman"...though the idea was good (get the people back together in achieving something...) there was far too more melodramatic a context..