Monday, February 07, 2005

Just A Little Tought

What are our problems worth for, when faced to the loss of someone Dear? What are our little concerns worth for, when faced to Death Issues?

Yesterday a dear friend of mine told me about his Friend who had passed away this weekend. Couldn't say a thing, wouldn't ask a thing, only sending *hugs* and careful words. Because in our fantastic world full of gadet and great technilogies, we are still helpless when faced to that situation.

So I think about her. She was his best friend. Maybe I have seen her once, in those pictures he shared with me and another friend. Maybe she was there, beautiful, smiling at his side. Surely she is still around, relieved from any physical pain or worries, watching over him from up above.

And I think about him. Wishing he is alright, even if I know that right now, he cannot be... I know he is strong, I know he is sensitive. I know that eventually he'll make it through....But, why such a thing had to happen? If there's a God up above, I wish he could explain...

Should you read this, I want you to know that all my thoughts are with you.... *hugs*

My Condolences to you, and all my Respects to her.

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