Wednesday, June 15, 2005

"White Night"

There is something funny about sleep sometimes...Evenings when you know deep inside something's gonna be wrecked for some reasons...

So there I was, 10h30, my mind feeling slowly numb as I read de Beauvoir's Memoirs... Not that her writing annoys me, on the contrary...I really like the ways she unravels a story, making of the tiniest events in her childhood life some starting point to philosoly about....

So there I was, preparing for what I thought would be a little pause... The book neatly closed against the pillow, I slowly slumbered, the dim lights still open.... It is the light thud of the book falling down the carpet that woke me up, I think... I blinked once or twice, my gaze hazy, my senses needing time to find myself again. My room, the lights, the stillness of that city night... Almost half past midnight, maybe i should get in my bed, and doze off for good...

Simone still laying on the ground,I turned off the light, my room slightly glowing in that orange hue provided by the streelamps... I dived under my sheets, closed my eyes, ready to let my mind err on some sweet thoughts....

"Clang Clang Clang...Thud"

Oh, please, no.

"clang, blang, thuds, THUDS"

Not again.

I wearily lift myself up, dragged my annoyed mood to peep out of the windows. Guys. Workers. Digging a hole in the street, while some silly woman laughed at their jokes.

At past midnight.

I am living in wonderland.

I wearily dragged myself back to my bed. Disgusted of any readings, or even sleep. I started to quiet down, but the repetitives clangs did nothing to help. My kingdom for a riot gun, I thought, or anything even more meanest.... And when will that stupid woman shut up?

One thirty. Headache. Messaging my love. comforting answers. Thought i do not remember clearly when did he answer, or if I replied back.

I woke up this morning with a hazy mind, the phone lying on the floor, next to the Memoirs.

I wish I could have fallen asleep again.


the sandmon said...

noisy town? XD Just put some ear plugs ^*^

Ichiban said...

aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaa ^^

i'd say crazy worker hours ^^

last night i listened to misic, just in case....slept like a baby !!!!

mk ! ^^