Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sunday, sunny Sunday....welll, not that Sunny... and yet another random entry...just for the sake of it...with an awesomely long title...and books^^

Removed some links which were getting on my nerve, and added some new ones...IF someone find "Uranaikko" links, let me know !! ^^

Iridonia feels better. Even if I disagree with her sometimes, at least listening to her was important too.. ^^ Gambatte ne, girl...Let time ease things away...

Fashion is definitely made for rich people. Who can honestly spend 80 euros on a skirt, then Around 40 euros for a matching blouse, and not even searching for apair of shoes that would match it all (not even telling about the bag, mind you), simply to pretend to be the next hype bohemian girl praised by Cosmopolitan?

Not I...


Mines are invading my room in such proportion i really will have to rethink the whole shelving process... Culprits? JApanese domain books. They are overcrowding the russian ones..^^

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So far I found at thrift shops:

Abe Kobo "The Box Man"
Akutagawa Ryunosuke "Rashomon and other tales"
Fukazawa "Narayama"
Ihara Saikaku "Five women who loved love"
Inoue Yasushi "闘牛" (combats de taureaux)
Jin Ping Mei (vol. II)金瓶梅
Kurosawa Kiyoshi "Kairo"
Miyabe Miyuki "Kasha"
Murakami Haruki "A wild Sheep Chase"
Murakami Haruki "After the Quake"
Murakami Ryu "Almost transparent Blue"
Murakami Ryu "Lines"
Murasaki Shikibu "Genji Monogatari" (vol. II)
Ogawa Yoko "沈黙博物館" (le musée du silence)
Soseki Natsume "Kokoro"
Tanizaki Junichiro "Manji" (svastika)
Tanizaki Junichiro "Kagi" (la confession impudique)


the sandmon said...

wow naisu buksu!

David said...

Nice! I gotta remember to visit some used bookstores myself heh.

I don't actually know the answer to your question about Kiyoshi Kurosawa. According to IMDB he also wrote most of the films he's directed, so maybe he has a flair for novels as well. Lol, how common a name is Kiyoshi Kurosawa?

Have you read Haruki Murakami's "Underground?" I've always been interested in that particular title as it pertains to both the event and the man (how it's said to have changed him) but have never run across it in bookstores in my area...

David said...

^ davus0 from daiforum :)