Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Diary's excerpts

(...)I feel like I am holding a burden too heaving for me. Wouldn't be the love and support of my fiance, family and close friends, I sincerely don't know how I could manage to hold on like I do. Putting that everlasting smile whenever you pass across my self. Being that ethereal person, cheerful smile and pearl-white skin.(...)

(...)Oddly enough, I do not feel "depressed" stricto sensu. No dark ideas, no suicidal tendencies, I wake up every morning with the rage to fight off my problems one by one. The fatigue got me, however, at the most crucial time. (...)

(...)I feel that my writing is not as concise or logically bound together as it used to. I feel it. I hope that it will help me, as a therapy does. (...)

(...)I still need to find the way to get past that temporary weakness. I need to get myself together. So far, I only found the writing as a way out -- that, and the mutual feelings my fiance and I both share -- I know my writing sux, but it is okay. I have no other pretention to feel better, and thru that, to be there for the persons who helped me out, or would might need me...

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