*bear hugs* to everyone who commented/read the previous entry. You guys are peaches!!! ^*^
Ah... I don't feel like writing those days... Maybe is it because of the autumn, but I feel more like cudling like a big fluffy cat near a big fire, open a book and forget about the whole world and its damned crazed things.
Pure fantasy of course, but pic above, plus cosy hearth, minus ugly white lamps....= yummy cosy good ole library....
Late Sunday night, strangers (or so we think) allegedly broke in the hall of our apartment building, stole all the keys (the ones leading to the cellars etc) and broke to video camera installed in the entrance hall. Nothing is more stressing that feeling insecure within your own walls...
Anyway...been browsong amazon to make a whishlist, thinking about how many thing I desire and that aren't available on a list...
salut c'est encor moi g une nouvelle adresse msn si ca te dit de parler avec moi
just added you ! ;)
I hope you're not too busy to still give me a comment on Chapter 13 that I sent, oh, a couple weeks ago.
my awful bad, mojo...
i sincerely am sorry for the awful delay...:(
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