Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Easy Ramen ^^

made some "HOME-MADE" RAMEN last night !! (understand, dried noodles pack + what was on the fridge lols)

You need:

- 1 pack of dried noodles "ramen" (there are different flavour, choose one that goes on well with meat)
- 200g Pork meat (thin slices) (you can use beef too : even more tastier ^^ )
- 4 big dried mushrooms
- preserved ginger (the one you use with sushi, dun remember the English name)
- salt, pepper
- a spoon of oil (i had only Sesame oil left)
- a spoon of soja sauce
- a spoon of Mirin
- a few leaves of fresh Coriander

The cooking:

1. Slice the pork in thin slices, about 1 cm . HAve a pan heating with a spoon of oil , and heat it to the max. Then carefully drop the meat, let it grill a bit. Reduce the heat when the meat becomes grilled, then add salt, pepper, soja sauce and mirin. Let it gently cook, until the sauce becomes a bit sticky.

2. Meanwhile let the mushroom dip in hot water. Then, cut them in thin slices, about half a centimeter.

3. Then, cut your ginger in thin slices too, as well as some Coriander leaves. Preserve for later. (but add a few crushed leaves in the pork meat, mix gently, and put out of heat)

4. When all of your ingredients are done, deal with the noodles. Easy, just follow the instruction on the packed XD.(dun put too much water, you'll see why..)

5. When the noodles are cooked, dip in a big bowl. Then gently add the pork slices, mushrooms slices, and finally ginger. (make it so that it doesn't sink in the noodles ---> careful with water !!)spread the remnants of your crushed coriander leaves, and add a few coriander leaves, for decorating it all...

6. Enjoy !!!!

(dunno if this is close to real ramen, but it is yummy hehehe Image hosted by Photobucket.com)

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