Friday, September 30, 2005

"Got it"?

Some people make me gently laugh....

the kind of people pretending they know a lot about the world, pretending to understand the whereabouts of the society we live in... but never give a damn about the others, or never listen to what others have to say... Their world is filled with their Ego only, or such is the impression they give. It is a "them against the world" game, it is a self-centered dialogue, where everyone but them is excluded.

So they wrap themselves into a puppet game, loudly crying out that no one ever understand, that they are the victims of a system that is evil -oh so evil-... while trying to manipulate the facts to their own benefits, shamelessly using the same process they claim they are the victims of...

How great a temptation it is, and use the same process... It is so easy, and for a person who master languages trick and nuances, the game my have a really thrilling flavour...

I must admit, in all honesty, that I ,too, judge sometimes too fast, or make cliché thougths as mine. Experience proved me wrong, and, contrary to what a many might think, it is not always my eldest who had me realize about my mistakes. I would even say that, being in permanent contact with people younger than I, I tend to try and be more open-minded, less adult than I really am.

Adults always tend to patronize around, making a point of honour to teach the others by their own experience. Of course, even though they often proved right (for experience, as a whole, is something you cannot fight against), it is not a reason to treat younger opinions as nonsense.

Well, there are exceptions, sometimes.

When faced to such stubornness, altering of the sayings, sneaky behaviour, misplaced pride and drama-like attitude... I think the best response ever is silence.(thi is , after having cooled down enough to think logically ^^. Silence, after yet another countless warning...

And the let the things sort out by themselves... Because in the end, the only persons that can be fooled by such a game....are the ones who started it in the beginning...

"Got it"? Image hosted by


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