Friday, March 11, 2005

Clear Channel Entertainment

Last Wednesday I watched a TV documentary that made me wonder about a lot of things, - and still is….

Looks like all of the concerts events and festivals held in Belgium are now controlled up to 90% by Clear Channel. As , for example, the famous "Torhout-Wechter Rock Festival"...

I wouldn’t have given a single damn, hadn’t I learned that this US-based company has a control freak policy, kinda…. Looks like the majority of the entertainment, radio stations and posting screens, even the Broadway theaters and shows, are in majority the property of Clear Channel….

…a little Texan Company whose directors are very close to Doubleyou Bush, so it seems…

What if the things I like should be controlled by a single entity, deciding for me what concerts I should go to or not? What if all the radios I love should be Clear-channeled, thus airing filtered programs and songs?

I been searching for reliable infos...and now I feel like “Big Brother” is lurking near……

Protest Website
Belgian Protest Website
Utopia's Blog (tnx for the infos ^ ^)


mojo shivers said...

I hate Clear Channel. They blow chunks.

Anonymous said...

... i wanna use the occasion to make some publicity for the following "CLEARCHANNEL FREE" festival (as they say on the posters, great guys !!!): Clearchannel gives me grey hair, they make me believe sometimes i cannot even be Belgian in my own country, their monopolization of European culture is disgusting, but, i heard they are having financial problems, the tide will be turning soon (let's hope)