Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Bye-bye, Kitty !!!

Today on the Mall, how was I delighted to see that AT LAST, the stationery department had finally displayed some "Hello Kitty" products !!!!

I know, I know, it sounds kinda lame for a grown-up like me to love such childish things...But when i see those cute blue or pinkish items, notebooks, pens, boxes, bags and dolls, I just can't help wanting all the stuff, I just can't help wanting to posess those cuteness, which reminds me so much of Japan, of a certain idea of fashion you only gonna fing there..

And I started browse around the products, marvelling at that cute pouch, drooling over this lovely bag... The cute face of Kitty cat seemed to invite me in a world of neverending happiness, where Cute is Beautiful, where Teddy Bears dances with stars under the Rainbow.... But then my heart went to a stop, when I actually realized oh expensive those items where.

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Go figure:
-18 bucks for a bag, not even big nor solid.
-5 bucks for a little box filled with stationary paper.
-8 bucks for a small pencil case
-11 bucks (eleven !!!)for a set of 5 plastic rings and a few glirttering stickers...

I would only buy me an eraser and HB pencil, @ 0.65 cents each.... Or more precisely, I totally refused to pay such amounts for accessory items, allowing myself only needful things (those who know me know MANY pencils I use, and how MANY erasers I lose (which is practically all...^^ )

But seem the dissapointed look of the little girl next to me, begging her Mom for this or that stuff, and being told it was too expensive....

What kind of paradise has Kitty to offer anyway, I thought, leaving the shop. what kind of cruel marketing is it, displaying items no one can afford?

I said bye-bye to Kitty with a sigh...


the sandmon said...

ebil things! Whoever made those are dumb to think that everyone would buy anything with Hello Kitty on the cover... stoooopid people... ebil.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I guess they must be cheaper here because a lot of kids have that stuff. It's not that expensive. I mean it's not cheap, but not a ridiculous price also.

Just don't ask me specifically because I've never bought anything hello kitty.


Semi said...

Daaaaaa X_________X Kitty is the most expensive thing i've ever seen.

Here we have also those "Sanrio" shops and damn. I bought a HB colors pencil (just 1) as b-day present and I payed almost three dollars for it! TOO MUCH.

So, now I don't even look at the showcase... XD

mojo shivers said...

I don't like Hello Kitty. Too many memories of girls who ignored me in Junior High and Elementary schools.

Ichiban said...

@Ange and Fob: I guess those things are super expensive because of their novelty... Sanrio products are really scarecely available... I guess this is one of the reason... Here all the kids are crazy for "Diddle" products: a mouse absolutely ugly and pinkish...

@Mojo : haha oddly enough I have the same childhood memories... all those lil girls, being the Queens of the classroom because they had plenty of girly-girly stationary items...

@Monmon: I will slash the ebil down... ^*^