Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Tales of a Hidden Treasure

It's been a few weeks now that my love introduced me to the Drangonlance series..... A whole world of fantasy, magic realms and dragons, that i am getting impatient to discover... A whole world i ve been at the border of it, alway drifting to some close neverlands, made of fantastic beasts, monsters and magicians...

A world i am so eager to read from cover to cover....

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It's like going back to my childhood games, where i was either the fearless warrior, or a legendary creature.... It's like knowing more about what Monmon loves, why it is so important to him, how he sees the world through it....

Because believe it or not, books can learn you a lot about their readers...It's like entering some secret garden, preserved from strangers eyes and outside world.... It could even reveal things people aren't aware of, their way of living, their way of loving....

Of course, I am not generalizing... I love the person he has become, books or no books. He is someone real, not another fabulous character of paper and ink...

It's not about believing word to word what a story says, no, it's not about copy/paste emotions you read on a real flesh and bone person. Like Ange said earlier, never would she been shown the way by any books.....I think it's more about a written story revealing some aspects in us....We just do not like a book because it is famous (yeah, ban all those posh Goncourt prize readers meh!), but because somehow, it echoes deep inside of us...

Even without us being aware of it...


Anonymous said...

"Les Chants de Maldoror" by le comte de Lautréamont (Isidor Ducasse) is one of those books i'll never forget, and that always fascinated me. Hope it doesn't reveal too much the dark side of me, :).

the sandmon said...

Hard to believe how popular dragonlance novels are but unbelievebly scarce T-T

I'm glad you like them :) You're the reason of "me."

Ichiban said...

@monmon: yes, and considering the large amount of books written, it's really really weird ^^ mahal din kita as you are hehe ^^

@Jan: yet another book to discover !!! Thank you for the tip !!! won't fail to give me impressions when i get the very book...cannot focus that well when browsing on9 ^^

the sandmon said...

I like the way you titled your entry... " Tales of a Hidden Treasure" ^^ Let's ventrure forth together for the treasure searching then ^*^

Semi said...

Hey Inuchan. I had never heard about that book. I think I'll try to look for it and read it, it sounds interesting.
I like the thing of discovering people aspects due to what they read, coz a book will always show a bit of us.

I'm afraid I use to read murders books. XD

mojo shivers said...

Dudette, do you know how many Dragonlance books there are? Good luck in finishing them all.

Ichiban said...

@monmon: thankie !!

@Ange: you mean, "Maldoror's songs"?

@Mojo: yep, too many lols !! nah, i gonna stick to the chronicles, legends and summer flame, then mebe lost souls... should be good for a start !!! :bigthumb:

mojo shivers said...

I'm more of a Forgotten Realms fan myself. Night Elves are the shiznit!