Da Vinci Hoax, the link here,
and another interesting link here
It only comfort me in the thought that this book is nothing but Bullsh!t.
False descriptions (Mister Brown didn't even checked the reality of what he wrote: believe it or not, but, for example, his description of the Saint-Sulpice church is absolutely inaccurate, looks like he didn't even check Google to at least get an accurate picture, or historical facts. Wait, 'till I get even more serious links to develop my ideas.
Not even talking about the Holy Grail thing, or the Maria Magdalene one, theories that have been written about aaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago, and 100 times better that this Joker. I am passionate about all things esoteric, religious or historical: believe me, any encyclopedia is much more worth a reading....
do I add my 2 cents to what is, in fact, nothing but a marketing coup?
I think that, to face the overall praising feeling ("have you read DaVinci Code? OMG that was totally AWESOME!!"), I feel like saying out loud that this book, beside the fact that it is a bore to read (and yes, I read it in English), is nothing more but a compilation of truncated truths, and bad thriller effects. And to those arguing that I am a poor writer myself, I will reply that I read enough books so far, to know what a good opus is (ever read "The name of the rose?" by Umberto Eco? Now THAT is a good book).
Congratulations, Mister Brown, you found the way how to ear a lot of money out of the people's credulity and lack of culture. Now, can you refund me the 11 euros I spent on your crap?
This said, I'd be happy to read comments by people loving this book. I really would like to understand what you are finding so great about it all....
And I promise I won't flame you
If you deploy esoterica with good timing you can make lots of money. Most people don't realize how interested they are in information.
But clever and sometimes unscrupulous writers do.
You pretty much said it. Wikipedia > Dan Brown
I liked the book.
@Davus: It is sad to see how some people write unscrupulous stories, then get all the fame..
That's what I reproach to mister Brown most.
En même temps, c'est n'est qu'un roman ; à ce titre, il n'a pas besoin de coller à la une quelconque réalité ou d'être en adéquation avec ce qu'on dit de celle-ci.
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