Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Bye-bye, Kitty !!!

Today on the Mall, how was I delighted to see that AT LAST, the stationery department had finally displayed some "Hello Kitty" products !!!!

I know, I know, it sounds kinda lame for a grown-up like me to love such childish things...But when i see those cute blue or pinkish items, notebooks, pens, boxes, bags and dolls, I just can't help wanting all the stuff, I just can't help wanting to posess those cuteness, which reminds me so much of Japan, of a certain idea of fashion you only gonna fing there..

And I started browse around the products, marvelling at that cute pouch, drooling over this lovely bag... The cute face of Kitty cat seemed to invite me in a world of neverending happiness, where Cute is Beautiful, where Teddy Bears dances with stars under the Rainbow.... But then my heart went to a stop, when I actually realized oh expensive those items where.

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Go figure:
-18 bucks for a bag, not even big nor solid.
-5 bucks for a little box filled with stationary paper.
-8 bucks for a small pencil case
-11 bucks (eleven !!!)for a set of 5 plastic rings and a few glirttering stickers...

I would only buy me an eraser and HB pencil, @ 0.65 cents each.... Or more precisely, I totally refused to pay such amounts for accessory items, allowing myself only needful things (those who know me know MANY pencils I use, and how MANY erasers I lose (which is practically all...^^ )

But seem the dissapointed look of the little girl next to me, begging her Mom for this or that stuff, and being told it was too expensive....

What kind of paradise has Kitty to offer anyway, I thought, leaving the shop. what kind of cruel marketing is it, displaying items no one can afford?

I said bye-bye to Kitty with a sigh...

Monday, June 27, 2005


Looking at that sunshiny day.......

...having two months' holidays but not a single penny


having no holidays but earning a living?


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Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sunday, sunny Sunday....welll, not that Sunny... and yet another random entry...just for the sake of it...with an awesomely long title...and books^^

Removed some links which were getting on my nerve, and added some new ones...IF someone find "Uranaikko" links, let me know !! ^^

Iridonia feels better. Even if I disagree with her sometimes, at least listening to her was important too.. ^^ Gambatte ne, girl...Let time ease things away...

Fashion is definitely made for rich people. Who can honestly spend 80 euros on a skirt, then Around 40 euros for a matching blouse, and not even searching for apair of shoes that would match it all (not even telling about the bag, mind you), simply to pretend to be the next hype bohemian girl praised by Cosmopolitan?

Not I...


Mines are invading my room in such proportion i really will have to rethink the whole shelving process... Culprits? JApanese domain books. They are overcrowding the russian ones..^^

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So far I found at thrift shops:

Abe Kobo "The Box Man"
Akutagawa Ryunosuke "Rashomon and other tales"
Fukazawa "Narayama"
Ihara Saikaku "Five women who loved love"
Inoue Yasushi "闘牛" (combats de taureaux)
Jin Ping Mei (vol. II)金瓶梅
Kurosawa Kiyoshi "Kairo"
Miyabe Miyuki "Kasha"
Murakami Haruki "A wild Sheep Chase"
Murakami Haruki "After the Quake"
Murakami Ryu "Almost transparent Blue"
Murakami Ryu "Lines"
Murasaki Shikibu "Genji Monogatari" (vol. II)
Ogawa Yoko "沈黙博物館" (le musée du silence)
Soseki Natsume "Kokoro"
Tanizaki Junichiro "Manji" (svastika)
Tanizaki Junichiro "Kagi" (la confession impudique)

Friday, June 24, 2005

Lazy blogging day ^^

Okay, so let's talk about a few lil' things, for a while ...

I replaced the blogger orange advertising tag by some cuuuute little bunnies. You can check it out down my link list (and browse away the others hihi)and see by yourself. Oh, and be a sugar, do ask Raistlin what he thinks about it... ;)

Spend a few days reading about some blogger world big deal. A story of breast posted on a journal, about people despising that act, and about others being mistaken for someone else. I read comments, excuses, nagging, seen pics, smiled, frowned... my my my .... Such a fuss for a tit, so said another person...
I also read hatemails a person received about that breast story. To think that peopel could go that far, and vomit their anger at someone they only know through reading a blog.... And how those haters call themselves better people ... My, has this planet gone wild....

And on a more more positive note... Two days ago I received letters. From the most important, the most precious person in my life. And whenever I look at them, I cannot help but forget all the day's little worries. The sun seems shinier, the night cosier. And the life feels so good to be lived in.

Happy Shiny Hippo....

Okay, book thrift shops, here I come !!! Please be kind, and gives me Anais Nin's Diaries, will you?

Sugar !! o(m ^^)(^^ s)o

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Summer books? What kind of animals are those????

With Summer and its promises of leisure time, come along lots of "summer books". Pages and pages of so said romance, adventures, bound to lead you on some dreamy journeys, while you are burning lobster-red like in some crowded beach. Yes, do not ask why, but I never felt attracted to "mass-tourist", chaters and Torremolinos doesn't sound paradise like to my ears...

Anyway, back to books... I never felt attracted to that kind of literature... The pinkish, sparkling, summer-like covers (why do they ALWAYS put a beach picture to embody summer???), all the blurb in cover page4... What's so summerish in that anyway?

However, I remember books I read during summer, and that still keep a perfume of holidays.... I was around 15, 16, or so... Our friends were leaving their big house (mansion-like, a swimming pool , a small lake and a Steinway in the louge), my parents and I were asked to pay some regular visits on their goods, so that we can deterr any thiefs around ^^ . And use the swimming pool and the terrasse at our heart's content. And as for myself, dive with holy happiness in their library....

The lounge had a big bay overlooking the garden, and the small lake, shadowed by fir trees. Facing the piano, a green sofa, and behind it, encasted in the wall, the library, all in white wood. And on the shelves, books, books, and again books. Pockets ones, Hardcover ones... Talking about painters, Musicians, philosophers... Classic authors such as Voltaire, Diderot, Bernardin de St Pierre, Descartes, Zola, Sartre, de Beauvoir, but also Goncourt ones, which names I forget... I spend countless hours, in the lounge when it rained, or near the pool when it was summer hot... I remember the sensation of peace when reading, and also the nervous heartbeats, when my fingers turned pages that were not mine, browsed a library that was not mine...

I always had that kind of game, still have: guessing a person's habits by the books he/she owns, he/she reads or by the pens he /she uses...Don't ask why, I think it just is... And when I was reading those neighbours books, I couldn't help but wonder about how my friend's mother was feeling about it... I remember one in particular, entitled "Les voleurs de beauté" ("the Beauty stealers")by Pascal Bruckner, it was about a couple deceiving, then makign prisoners young and beautiful women, to steal their energy and beauty. They enclosed those girls in a cave, and watched them dying away from their lounge. Some tubes liking the cave to the upper rooms enables those thief to "suck away " the youth spirit of their preys...... Kinda creepy, I tell you, but also enthralling, marvellous like a venenous flower..

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When I think about that book, I can see myself eagerly reading. I can see the yellow cover, the easy-reading font, the blurb on the last cover page. And I think that as long as I live, that very book will always remind me of that summer, spent alone in between books and nature.

This is what are "Summer books" for me... Not your average best selling fiction, but a book, a story, an object that can bring back memories entrapped inside its pages, so vividly that it feels like yesterday.....

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

facts of (real) life

Some people need to hide their lack of knowledge by despising the supposedly lack of it in other people.

Some people are so conceited in their superiority that they believe every people working under them are dumb and less-educated.

Those people better beware, because they do not fool anyone. They offer yet another opportunity to get some fun in our sometimes dull life...


Friday, June 17, 2005


It’s been a few days I started the reading of “Memoirs of a Dutiful Girl”, by Simone de Beauvoir.

I felt like making a big leap in the past. All of a sudden, I felt the exaltation of my sweet sixteen again, when I discovered Sartre, and so many other philosophers that were to open my eyes on a new world, on new perspectives… I keep from this time a taste of peace and fever, countless hours of reading, long after darkness had fallen… I remember essays, passionate discussions with my classmates and teachers (I was your intellectual girl, always reading books ahead of her age, always knowing the writers before the lesson began…Always giving a n opinion, right or wrong, but never afraid of expression herself….). At that time, I felt like my only certitude was the way how my brain worked. I wasn’t popular enough to pretend having all the boyfriends I wanted, and to be honest, I put literature way up above carnal things. I think I was afraid of those things anyway. I couldn’t watch my body without feeling ashamed of it, seeing only graceless flesh and common face. I guess I hid behind a fake feeling of knowledge. I befriended with Baudelaire, Sartre and Celine, naively thinking they had written those books for me to enjoy them. I was not a schoolgirl anymore, but a romantic heroin, promised to great achievements.

How conceited I was…

I think that, blinded as I was by my certitudes, I couldn’t have seen any people genuinely giving me affection, or compassion. I built ivory walls around me, feeling comforted by the admiration I could get from my teachers, or the friends that systematically were outsmarted by my naive genius. I could wrapped ideas in beautiful sentences, using rhetoric and style as a screen hiding my lack of confidence.…. My writings were passionate outburst, swirling and whirling against what I called “the Injustice”. Politics were all fools, and my discussing issues with my friends only led me to heated debates. The only verity was in between kilometers of soft paper, 10 x 18 cm..

I used to say that books were my only friends. That they could not lie to me, could not betray me. Ten times have I found solace in between their pages, forgetting for an hour or two the problems and the sadness of adolescence. I remember my parents looking odd at that dark young girl their daughter had become. Always hiding in her room, while her friends were going out and “having a life”. I couldn’t stand those parties, loud music I detested. I couldn’t stand being the left-over, waiting along the dance floor while my friends were being kissed outside. Of course, I couldn’t tell my parents about it. To them I was perfect. Able to read books they couldn’t understand, able to get by (my parents never studied as I did), writing brilliantly and being appreciated, considered as a young responsible adult.

I think I never known how it was to be sixteen. When it happened, I was in third year of college. At nearly 23, I broke down. Telling my teacher I couldn’t go on. I felt lost, useless, and certainly not as gifted as my highschool teachers had thought. I now despised all the books, all the grades. I hid myself in paradises, struggling with fatigue to learn my lessons, but never being able to get more than the average marks. The one that allowed me to pass, but with a thin margin. Sometimes though, I sparkled a little. Bedazzling my classmate when it was about French classes. I hit 20/20 at my Literature examination. Too bad, for I lost my marksheet. Hence nobody ever believed me… Ironic, don’t you think? Whilst all my friends considered me average, books again were the one saving me….

I think the earnest crisis happened when I was a freshman. I skipped classes to lock myself in dark café’s, talking about literature and rummaging ideas away. Together with friends as academically lost as myself, I was reinventing the world. Mind world again. I keep of that period lots of books, that still make me smile now when I look at them…
And now?

Well, I know that I am not made for major things. I will never be the great writer I wanted to be, unable to plot new ideas, in some innovative way. I think that I am a better reader, anyway. And frankly, I feel happy with it. I think that, back in my longing for some glory, I was chasing after becoming myself, instead of fame and fortune. I always struggled to find some balance. I always felt ill at ease with a world I didn’t asked to be part of. (Not even talking about God issues, this could take a whole thread in itself..^^).

I think that now, I found my reason for living. In the person of a young man who isn’t my mirror, but my complement. Or as we say in French “Complice”, in its Latin meaning (“complex”, as “united, “advocate”. I become friends with books again. I do not want “to be”, I simply am. I irradiate with my qualities, and my flaws, but I think I finally am true to myself. Not afraid anymore of saying “I don’t know”.

It was a long way, though. It went through a lot of important meetings, important breaking up, too… As sad as they were, they made me grow up. They made me grow up feelings I could not have understood ten years ago. I learned to love someone is not possess him. I learned to trust people, at last. And to protect myself, too. To become less vulnerable.

* * *
As I read de Beauvoir Memoirs, I find out the same interrogations, the same worries…. I see her struggling with life, and most important of it, making a meaning out of it.

I think now I can say that I have no regret of the person I have become. I only have hopes, trying to learn more, to understand more, to love more….

To be, more….

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

"White Night"

There is something funny about sleep sometimes...Evenings when you know deep inside something's gonna be wrecked for some reasons...

So there I was, 10h30, my mind feeling slowly numb as I read de Beauvoir's Memoirs... Not that her writing annoys me, on the contrary...I really like the ways she unravels a story, making of the tiniest events in her childhood life some starting point to philosoly about....

So there I was, preparing for what I thought would be a little pause... The book neatly closed against the pillow, I slowly slumbered, the dim lights still open.... It is the light thud of the book falling down the carpet that woke me up, I think... I blinked once or twice, my gaze hazy, my senses needing time to find myself again. My room, the lights, the stillness of that city night... Almost half past midnight, maybe i should get in my bed, and doze off for good...

Simone still laying on the ground,I turned off the light, my room slightly glowing in that orange hue provided by the streelamps... I dived under my sheets, closed my eyes, ready to let my mind err on some sweet thoughts....

"Clang Clang Clang...Thud"

Oh, please, no.

"clang, blang, thuds, THUDS"

Not again.

I wearily lift myself up, dragged my annoyed mood to peep out of the windows. Guys. Workers. Digging a hole in the street, while some silly woman laughed at their jokes.

At past midnight.

I am living in wonderland.

I wearily dragged myself back to my bed. Disgusted of any readings, or even sleep. I started to quiet down, but the repetitives clangs did nothing to help. My kingdom for a riot gun, I thought, or anything even more meanest.... And when will that stupid woman shut up?

One thirty. Headache. Messaging my love. comforting answers. Thought i do not remember clearly when did he answer, or if I replied back.

I woke up this morning with a hazy mind, the phone lying on the floor, next to the Memoirs.

I wish I could have fallen asleep again.

Friday, June 10, 2005

I wish this would come to an end...

All apologizes in advance but this entry gonna be a complaining one...

Friday 9h59 AM:

Phone call from my boss:

-I need three phone numbers, go fetch them , then SMS them to me.

-I am sorry sir, but my phon battery is flat. Can you take note?

-No, I can't. Go send them by SMS, it's not expensive.

-I tell you that my phone battery is flat, I can't.

-Well, Go on the net and sent them by my operator website.

10h 05 AM

-Sir, there is no SMS service available. Can you simply take note of the following numbers?

-No, it's fine. I gonna find another way.

*hangs up*

I just been taken for a fool for giving the most logical way of settle a problem ....well that's what i thought, still do...

Can someone tell me if I am the one being illogical, or not?

Someone please get me out of this sci-fi movie, for I can't take it anymore.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Ok, put some order in the linky section.... Looks much better ne? ^^

But waitaminute...

Tracy a man????????????

Tracy Hickman's home page....

o(m ^^)o

Monday, June 06, 2005


Sometimes I feel like giving up…

Sometimes I wonder why I keep on being a watchdog, and chase after persons that connect only for the sake of pissing people off… Sometimes I wonder why I take it that much at heart, why do every nasty comments makes me sad the way it does…

I am not a fight seeker at heart.. I do believe that talks are better than curse… But when my talks end up against a wall, sometimes I wonder why I am spending that much time and energy for a person that obviously does not deserve it…

Maybe it’s because I like the place more than I can admit it… Maybe becoming a mod’ was my way of feeling helpful, and thanking back those people who ware there, giving and supporting…

Maybe I am just not fit for that job. Though I know that, had I the powers, I would have get rid of that banchan-hater in a click of a mouse. I can be pretty impulsive sometimes…

Maybe that way I learn patience. Wondering where I can push my limits to. Enjoying the mind games, wondering who gonna lose patience first….certainly not I….

I know that a time will come, when I will resign… I know that a day will come when I won’t have the time to be around that much. The time when I move in with my fiancé, the time when more serious concerns will occur …

But whatever deep, dark waters I can reach, I am never giving up. I am like your silent watcher, amusing myself in words and sentences… I am like a kitten toying with a mouse, knowing that when the tiger comes back, its case will be settled.

And as I bare my fangs, smiling at those pathetic antics, lame attempts to be noticed, I cannot help wondering about people’s mind…

Timothy was right, after all… dark persons exist everywhere.

And loneliness as well…

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Kami no tame ni

I cannot allow those pictures on the forum, Kami...

But it doesn't mean i am against the ideas you wanna promote.

Ban fur. Everyone.

Go and see by yourselves:

Because sadly enough people need to see those horror to fully be aware that itt's not urban legend. And turning our faces away from it makes us less than human. even animals do not kill for fun.

Because hopefully enough, there are lots of places where we can spread the word.

Because that way, i hope i can be of any help...

Yours truely,
